

SMART property development management

ENL Property uses the latest technologies for smart design, building and management of its property developments.

Geographic Information System

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a software tool for collection, storage, analysis and visualisation of all types of geographic data (title deeds, aerial images, developments, infrastructure, etc.). It allows organisations to graphically manage their activity. A GIS has multiple functions that contribute to and assist in decision-making for urban planning, civil engineering, hydraulics, land use planning and even agriculture.

ENL Property’s GIS helps to centralise and organise all spatial data. We use it to manage the ENL group’s land bank, but also to support the development of Moka Smart City. For example, this tool provides constantly updated information on our property developments to our potential future clients on the website.

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a tool to model building data in order to better organise the construction and management process.

BIM encompasses the design of a building as well as all the information required for its construction in the best possible conditions and any possible evolution. It thus promotes an integrated and collaborative approach over the entire life cycle of a building.

This collaborative work process has been used since October 2019 on various ENL Property developments, including Les Fascines, built and managed by Oficea. It allows for greater efficiency through in-depth planning during design and construction. It provides all stakeholders (architect, engineer, builder, developer, etc.) with full visibility on the work to be carried out, as well as their role in the project’s implementation.

BIM also contributes to more sustainable procurement by facilitating coordination, which reduces material waste and improves labour efficiency.

Moka Smart City’s
IoT Platform

Various types of data can be stored on the Internet of Things platform of Moka Smart City through smart meters (water and energy consumption, water temperature for chillers) and environmental sensors (air temperature, C0₂, light and noise levels, etc.).

The city management, residential and commercial property owners and tenants can monitor their consumption by connecting to this online platform. They receive an alert when a consumption threshold is reached. They can also (anonymously) compare their consumption with other households or neighbourhoods. Monitoring such data helps ensure that there is no leakage and reduce consumption in case of a substantial difference.

Other data such as the fill level of voluntary waste drop-off points (Moloks) or photovoltaic energy production are also available. All these tools are aimed at making life easier for the city’s users and bringing down Moka’s carbon footprint.